Grace Elkins

Flore Education

Workshops | Coaching | Consulting

Grace Elkins is a teacher, leader, education coach and speaker. Grace holds a Master of Teaching (Primary and Secondary), Master of Arts in Writing and Literature, Professional Certificate in Coaching for Educational Leadership and is currently a PhD (Education) candidate at the University of Melbourne.


Grace has built her expertise over a decade of working in and with schools, as a teacher, Head of English, School Improvement Leader and through designing and leading professional learning workshops and presentations.

She works with schools, leaders and teachers to develop rich and holistic assessment, curriculum and instruction practices with expertise in enriching student agency across the curriculum, decolonising curriculum and pedagogy, reigniting student creativity in English, and writing instruction.

Through consultancy and tailored professional learning sessions, Grace builds teacher capacity to design and deliver high-impact, equitable, English and Literacy programs.


Flore Education offers a number of professional learning services including presentations, workshops, individualised coaching of teachers and teams, and consulting in the following areas:

  • Curriculum and lesson design
  • Assessment design and schedules
  • Developing a school-wide writing culture
  • Writing Instruction
  • Grammar
  • Text selection
  • Decolonising and anti-racist practice in English and Literacy
  • Student Voice and Agency
  • Reinvigorating Poetry in the English Classroom
  • Effective use of mentor texts
  • Effective pedagogy and classroom praxis

My latest posts



I speak at conferences, workshops, and seminars live and online. Check out our social media pages to stay up to date with upcoming events. 


Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.